"Ik bekeerde me tot islam" - wereldwijde comments tégen Elon Musk's islamofobie.

Duizenden bekeerlingen van over heel de wereld reageerden vol trots, vriendelijkheid en vreugde dat ze zich bekeerd hebben tot al-islam. Dit ter aanleiding van de onlangs aangewakkerde haatcampagne van miljardair Elon Musk.
Januari 2025 - Hier enkele reacties van bekeerlingen:
I'm a Muslim revert from the United States 🇺🇸 Alhamdulillah for Islam!
I'm a former islam-hater from Canada, now a Muslim for nearly 5 years subhanAllah!
I'm an atheist. But this is amazing I've worked with Muslims and they're wonderful people.
I researched islam as a Christian missionary in order to convert Muslims to Christianity. After 2 years if research and being presented with the truth I embraced and submitted to The Creator 35 years ago now I actively teach Islam to all. Allhumdulillah.
As an American I moved to UAE in 2007 and learned about Islam in order to convince Muslims here they're wasting their time with their religion. Only one week into my research I said my shahada.
Converted to Islam from Hinduism. Alhamdulillah.
Alhamdulillah im convert to muslim in 1991 alhamdulillah from Philippine.
Alhamdulillah I'm a Muslim revert from Australia.
My family and I are new reverts too.... Alhamdullillah... The injustices in Palestine have opened our eyes to Islam, the religion of truth.
I became a Muslim 23 years ago in January 2001! I'm from Germany, back then I was all alone as a convert but today we are really many Alhamdulillah.
As Filipino here, I was born Roman Catholic but Now I reverted to Islam from the Philippines 🇵🇭 Alhamdullilah.
Best decision of my life to revert to Islam. From a fellow Australian.
I was a christian then converted to islam and all my question where answered, Alhamdoulillaah. Assalamu Alaykum.
Proud to be an ex-hindu-revert.
Proud muslim from the Netherlands.
Alhamdulilah MashAllah I'm Muslim reverted 1996.Allah made my life 360% better. Assalamualaikum from your brother Muslim Muhammad Dawud Belcher from Detroit MI United States.
Haha so strange. It was curiosity for me too after all that is happening in the world. So I got a Quran from a Muslim friend and it is one of the best decisions ever made to read it!
Alhamdulillah for making me Muslim.
I remember witnessing people taking Shahadah in a mosque the week after 9/11. The lies don't hold up.
I reverted to Islam 21 years ago al HamduliAllah. This is the best that happened to me. Undescribable.
I am a convert to and everyone warmed my heart with their convertion.
Revert here, reason; The Palestinian resilience. Started reading to understand and then it's just logical what needs to be done, revert.
Revert here, from New Zealand. Alhumdulillah.
I am a 74 y o white American, sad to say, and I converted to ISLAM.
Alhamdulillah i thank God for guiding you to the only true religion on earth , Islam ️ ️. We are all brothers in Islam.
It's beautiful how Islam attracts even people who consider the religion an enemy and they become Muslim themselves if they're honest and sincere and learn about it.
Elon Musk has no idea about Muslims.
Converted to Islam from Hinduism. Alhamdulillah.
Converted to Islam from Hinduism. Alhamdulillah.
Revert Muslim American here.
I personally know an English leady converted during the events in Gaza. What pushed her was the Genocide happened in Gaza and the Palestinian resilience and display of courage faith and values.
Throughout the horrific genocide of Palestinians, I have been in touch with several people in Gaza; all Muslims. They are the most remarkably kind and loving people I have ever met. I have been exposed to many phrases in the Quran and now, I'm one of the curious!
I'm a convert from italy, Alhamdulillah.
I researched Islam because I wanted to "know my enemy." I have now been a Muslim for more than 20 years, alhamdulillah.
Here reverted Muslim from